Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 29- December 03

Dear Student:
This week we are going to begin a new Chapter. We will begin to explore the alternative energy resources that are so important to conserve our environment.

Energy conservation refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption. Energy conservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, in conjunction with decreased energy consumption and/or reduced consumption from conventional energy sources.
These are some of the alternative energy resources we will be studying:
Solar Energy for heating water, generating electricity and concentrating solar energy to create fuel for your vehicles.
Biomass Energy Discover ways to use corn, corn stalks, wheat, pine cones, twigs,bark....to generate fuel to heat your home or drive your vehicle. The technology has been around for over 100 years. Basically, anything that decomposes or burns can be used to generate energy for your home or car
Wind Energy Another of the more popular alternative energy resources. Though not a reliable resource for every household, it is a viable option, depending on your location. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy and see if it will be an asset for your energy needs.
Hydrogen You will see that this is my favorite. The must abundant element in the universe is Hydrogen. H2O. Ever think about driving your car on pure water? Apparently, it has been done.

Fossil Fuels

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• How do fuels provide energy?
• What are the three major fossil fuels?
• Why are fossil fuels considered nonrenewable resources?
Key Terms
• fuel
• energy transformation
• combustion
• fossil fuel
• Hydrocarbon
• petroleum
• refinery
• petrochemical

Section 2 Renewable Sources of Energy

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What forms of energy does the sun provide?
• What are some renewable sources of energy?
Key Terms
• solar energy
• hydroelectric power
• biomass fuel
• gasohol
• geothermal energy

Section 3 Nuclear Energy

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What happens during a nuclear fission reaction?
• How does a nuclear power plant produce electricity?
• How does a nuclear fusion reaction occur?
Key Terms
• nucleus
• nuclear fission
• reactor vessel
• fuel rod
• control rod
• meltdown
• nuclear fusion

Section 4 Energy Conservation

Reading Preview
Key Concept
• What are two ways to preserve our current energy sources?
Key Terms
• efficiency
• insulation
• energy conservation

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Baskets

November 23, 2009

Dear Parents (Nursery – 12th):

As another holiday season nears, many of us will enjoy our time with loved ones and celebrate the joyous memories of the past year. As we give thanks for the blessings and gifts in our lives, we also have an opportunity to appreciate those people who make the American School outstanding, but who rarely get the recognition they deserve.

On behalf of all American Schools students, we would like to extend our gratitude to the maintenance workers, the bus drivers, the nannies and their families by preparing food baskets for them as gifts at Christmas. Students in each grade level are asked to contribute the following items:

Nursery Bar Soap
7th grade Ketchup
Pre-Kinder Detergent
8th grade Beans
Kinder Toilet paper
9th grade Cooking Oil
1st grade Rice
10th grade Maseca
2nd grade Pasta
11th grade Soup
3rd grade Sugar
12th grade Oatmeal
4th grade Tomato Paste
5th grade Cereal
6th grade Flour

Thank you for participating in this event, and for involving your children in the charitable activities of the American School. Please send the item with your child to his homeroom teacher (Pre School and Elementary School) and to their Class Advisors (MS / HS) before Friday, December 10. We hope that we can foster in all students a spirit of generosity and compassion which will, in the end, make our world a better place.


Claudia Pereira

Elcenora Martínez

Ricardo Belgrave

Maria Francisca Motz

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 22-24

Dear Students:
We will be attending school for three days this week; nevertheless, these will be some very busy days. Our test is scheduled for Tuesday. Your work pack to Chapter 10 should be finished by that same day. Your project is due Wednesday, Don’t forget to turn in your rubric with your project and be creative!!!!!

Please refer to the following web site to help you clarify concepts for your test:

Our Traditional Thanksgiving Luncheon will take place Wednesday, November 24. We will be enjoying a delicious meal catered by Gourmet Grill. If you have not paid for it yet, make sure you do so before Wednesday.

Remember, like Bryan Tracy once said:
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sample Geologic Timelines

November 15-19

November 15-19

Important Dates to keep in mind.
November 17 Early Dismissal 1:00 pm
November 23 Test Chapter 10
November 23 Work Pack Due
November 24 Project Due

Check these web sites for support:

Earthtrips - A Virtual Journey into Earth's History
Geological Time Online Edition
Tour of Geologic Time

Dear Students:
This week we will continue to learn about Geologic Time, Fossils and Changes over Time. We will start to work on our project: “Geologic Timescale”. Make sure you work on your work pack on a daily basis and review the material covered in class.
I will be giving you the rubric Monday, November 15 so you analyze it before beginning your project. Make sure you read through it and plan your project based on the requirements listed. BE CREATIVE!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 8-12

Dear Students:
This week you will have your test on Chapter 7 Volcanoes. We will also be starting the content to Chapter 10: A Trip through Geologic Time.
This chapter will take you on a journey through geologic time. You will learn how fossils reveal the history of life on Earth. To guide you on your journey, review the first two sections we will be introducing this week.

Section 1 Fossils

Key Concepts
• How do fossils form?
• What are the different kinds of fossils?
• What does the fossil record tell about organisms and environments of the past?
Key Terms
• fossil
• sedimentary rock
• mold
• cast
• petrified fossil
• carbon film
• trace fossil
• paleontologist
• scientific theory
• evolution
• extinct

Section 2 The Relative Age of Rocks

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What is the law of superposition?
• How do geologists determine the relative age of rocks?
• How are index fossils useful to geologists?
Key Terms
• relative age
• absolute age
• law of superposition
• extrusion
• intrusion
• fault
• unconformity
• index fossil

Important dates to keep in mind
November 10 Key Terms Chapter 10 Due
November 17 Project Due. Geologic Timeline
November 24 Chapter Test

Project Preview
Students will:
1. Investigate and research the geologic time periods and explore the basis by which they are defined.
2. Comprehend how fossils help us broaden our understanding of the past.
3. Collect information on the animals, plants, and environment of the time periods.
4. Improve their skills in using the Internet to research topics.
5. Create a travel brochure, poster, trifold or any other publication to depict what life was like during the time periods.