Friday, February 25, 2011

February 28- March 4

Dear Students:

This week we continue with Chapter 16: Weather Factors. For our evaluation this week it is important that the regulars are reviewed closely:
• Key Terms
• Key Concepts
• Diagrams
• Work Pack

It is mandatory that the Chapter be read so a complete picture of the content is perceived. To read effectively in the Sciences you need to:
1. Explore Your Science Textbook
2. Check The Vocabulary
3. Analyze For Comprehension
4. Synthesize For Understanding

Important grades posted in Power School

Chapter 15 Content Test
Chapter 15 Key Terms Quiz

Important Dates to keep in mind:
Chapter 16 Test March 2
Chapter 16 Work Pack March 2
Chapter 16 Key Concepts March 2
End of the Second Quarter March 11

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 21-25

Dear Students:

In many ways, the old saying that "everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it" is no longer valid. Although we cannot yet disarm a tornado or energize a particular cumulus cloud to produce rain on a specific plot of parched ground, we are, sometimes unintentionally, altering the environment. The discharge of a smokestack contributing to the formation of fog is an unmistakable example of this human imprint on the atmosphere, while the soot-stained snow around the Siberian industrial city of Troisk clearly illustrates our footprint on the earth's surface. In this chapter, we explore the reaches of this human impact on weather and climate, considering global, regional, and local effects. In the process, we will travel from the tropical rain forests of the Amazon to the brutal cold of the stratosphere high above Antarctica.

This week we will begin Chapter 16: Weather Factors. We will be covering important topics such as:
• Energy in the Earth’s Atmosphere
• Heat Transfer
• Winds
• Water in the Atmosphere
• Precipitation

Grades already published in Power School

Project Ocean Zones Chapter 15
Key Terms Chapter 15
Chapter 15 Content Test
Chapter 15 key Terms Quiz

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Key Terms Chapter 16 February 23
Chapter 16 Test March 2
Chapter 16 Work Pack March 2

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 14-18

Dear Students:
This week we continue to discuss Chapter 15: the Atmosphere. We will add to our knowledge of the atmosphere through our project: Layers of the Atmosphere. We have been working in this project during class and continue to learn important details about this envelope that surrounds us and permits life as we know it. In preparation for our test on this chapter, videos, class lectures and solving the work pack will continue.

Study Tips – Preparing for a Test

Tests are normally given to measure a student’s understanding of class material. Taking a test can be a stressful event for any student. When it comes to taking tests, there is no real substitute for preparation.

Now, you may be thinking that the only way to make sure that you are fully prepared is to study hard and know your subject. However, there are a few other things that you can do that will help you prepare for a test and ensure your success.
• Complete your regular schoolwork. Attending class every day and completing all of your class assignments on a regular basis can be very important when it comes to retaining information. Do the work and you will do better on your tests. Guaranteed.
• Study regularly. Don’t wait until the last minute to cram for a test. Use the night before a test wisely. Instead of cramming, prepare for a test by taking time to review what you have already studied.
• Understand how the test content is organized. Is the test multiple choice, true or false, and/or essay-style? Ask the teacher to find out. Just knowing how the questions are organized will help you prepare for a test.
• Find out how the test is scored. Again, ask your teacher for more information. Are certain portions of the test more important than others? Are there penalty points for skipping questions? Once you understand how the test will be scored, you will know what you need to work on most.
• Eat and sleep. Eating properly can have an amazing impact on your body and mind. A good night’s sleep will affect you similarly. Make sure you take time to sleep well the night before a test and when you wake up, eat a hearty and nutritious breakfast.
• Relax. This is the most common advice given to test-taking students. It’s also the best advice you will ever get. The more agitated you are, the worse you will do. If you are feeling nervous, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Better yet, take five deep breaths. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply until you feel calm.
Karen Schweitzer
Business School Guide

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Mid Quarter Grades Posted in Power School February 14
Chapter 15 Test February 16
Chapter 15 Work Pack February 16
President’s Day Picnic February 22

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feb 7-11

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 15: The Atmosphere. We will be covering important details about the air around you, air pressure, layers of the atmosphere and air quality. This important topic will allow us to learn about the composition of the Earth’s Atmosphere and how important it is for living things. We will discuss what are the major sources of pollution and what can be done to improve air quality

This week I would like to focus on thinking skills. Everybody has thinking skills, but few use them effectively. Effective thinking skills cannot be studied; but must be built-up over a period of time. Good thinkers see possibilities where others see only dead-ends. If you are not a good thinker, start now by developing habits that make you ask yourself questions as you read. Good thinkers (or skillful thinkers) are good problem solvers, they can withhold making decisions before they have all (or most of) the relevant information, they are not afraid of the unknown. Also, good thinkers have strong metacognitive skills. They are able to "think about their thinking”. This week I want you to remember these three words: knowledge, comprehension, and application.

Some of the Grades you can find posted in Power school this week are:
Chapter Content Test
Key Terms Test
Work Pack Chapter 14
Project Ocean Zones Chapter 14

Important Dates to keep in mind:
Key Terms Chapter 15 February 9
Chapter 15 Test February 16
Chapter 15 Work Pack February 16