Friday, October 22, 2010

October 25-29

We are starting a new Chapter: Volcanoes.
The eruptions of a volcano can be dangerous. Yet volcanoes and people have been closely connected throughout history. People often live near volcanoes because of the benefits they offer, from rich soil, to minerals, to hot springs. In this chapter, you will investigate how volcanoes have affected the people living in a volcanic region ans a wide variety of interesting topics related to Volcanoes
Key Concepts
• Where are most of Earth’s volcanoes found?
• How do hot spot volcanoes form?
Key Terms
• volcano
• magma
• lava
• Ring of Fire
• island arc
• hot spot

Section 2
Key Concepts
• Why is it helpful to know the physical and chemical properties of a substance?
• What causes some liquids to flow more easily than others?
• What factors determine the viscosity of magma?
Key Terms
• element
• compound
• physical property
• chemical property
• viscosity
• silica
• pahoehoe
• aa

Section 3
Key Concepts
• What happens when a volcano erupts?
• What are the two types of volcanic eruptions?
• What are a volcano’s stages of activity?
Key Terms
• magma chamber
• pipe
• vent
• lava flow
• crater
• pyroclastic flow
• dormant
• extinct

Section 4
Key Concepts
• What landforms do lava and ash create?
• How does magma that hardens beneath the surface create landforms?
• What other distinctive features occur in volcanic areas?
Key Terms
• shield volcano
• cinder cone
• composite volcano
• caldera
• volcanic neck
• dike
• sill
• batholith
• geothermal activity
• geyser

Important dates to keep in mind:
• October 25: Holiday
• October 27: Key Terms Due
• October 29: Band Presentation
• November 3: Project and Work Pack Due
Volcano Project

Project Description: You will be researching a volcano. Using this information, you will build a model of your volcano and write a brief report of your findings.

Volcano Model:
1. Construct a model of volcano including any defining features of the volcano including craters and lakes.
2. Incorporate features of the surrounding area such as cities, oceans, forests, etc. into the model.
- Possible materials may include clay, Styrofoam, paint, plaster, paper, etc.
3. Attach a picture of the volcano to your model.
4. Attach a note card to your volcano following the model below:

Name of Volcano
Elevation (Height)
Age of Volcano: Country:
Date of Last Eruption: Nearest City:
Type of Volcano: (Cinder, Composite, Shield, Lava Plateau, Caldera, etc)
Three Interesting Facts: (complete sentences)

Student(s) Name(s):
Science Period: Date:

Volcano Mini Report
1. Type a brief report (1 page minimum) describing your volcano.
- Include name, date, period, volcano name, country
- Describe the benefits the volcano serves the surrounding town/area
- Describe the history of the volcano’s eruptions (how often)
- Describe the most famous eruption from this volcano and its effects
- Describe what measures the local population can take if there is a major eruption in the future

2. Helpful websites: and

3. References – You must use at least two sources other than your textbook. You must cite sources correctly.
Online Bibliography Formatting Sources:

Volcano Project Rubric

________ (30) Volcano Model

______ (10) Model resembles volcano
______ (5) Picture attached
______ (10) Features of surrounding area shown
______ (5) Creativity

_______ (23) Note Card

______ (14) Name of Volcano, Elevation, Age,
Date of Eruption, Country, City, Type of Volcano
_______ (6) Three interesting facts
_______ (3) Name(s), Date, Period

______ (40) Mini Report

_______ (5) Name, Date, Period, Volcano Name, Country
_______ (10) Benefits of the surrounding town/area
_______ (5) Eruption history
_______ (10) Famous eruption description and effects
_______ (10) Precautions for future eruptions

______ (7) References

_______ (2) At least 2 Sources
_______ (5) Proper information and formatting

______ (100) Total

Make sure you have everything included!!

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