Friday, March 18, 2011

March 21-25

Dear Students;
This week we will begin a whole new UNIT: Astronomy. The chapter we will begin covering is Chapter 19: Earth, Moon and the Sun.

This is your last quarter in Middle School and a good opportunity to review certain aspects of maturity and your organizational skills. Success in life many times depends on how these skills are applied to our current situation. Look into your flaws and make your strengths become your pillars for improvement. By now your work habits, time management and organizational skills should handle the middle school workload easily in preparation for your High school demands.
These skills may not make you more popular, but they can sure help you get better grades, reduce stress and improve your self-confidence. So, get going! You still have one quarter to practice these skills and hopefully Master them by the end of this school year!

Important dates to keep in mind
March 23 Key Concepts Chapter 19
March 25 Parent Teacher Conference
March 30 Key Terms Test Chapter 19
March 30 Content Test Chapter 19

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