Friday, May 6, 2011

May 9-13

Dear Students:

This week we will be working on Chapter 21: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe. Your project for solar system has also been assigned. Make sure you become an expert on the topic chosen so you can transmit these important concepts to the class.

Getting Started:

First, get to know about your topic. Read as much information about the topic as you can find. Try both the Internet and the library; try the NASA web site, Zoom Astronomy, Nine Planets, a good search engine, an encyclopedia, and individual books on astronomy and the Solar System.
As you're reading about your topic, take notes on key information, such as your planet's size, temperature range, its position in the Solar System, moons, atmosphere, any unusual features, when it was discovered, etc. A graphic organizer can be useful for this.

Make your presentation neat and informative. Start working as early as possible.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 11 Key Terms Due
May 18 Test Chapter 21
May 18 Key Concepts Due
May 19 Project Presentation

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