Friday, October 1, 2010

October 4-8

October 4-8
Dear Students:
This week we will continue learning about Earthquakes. It is evident that there is so much to learn from the world around us and the incredible forces of nature. Some important dates to keep in mind are:
October 6: Key Terms Chapter 6
October 13: Project/ Earthquakes (Details Below)
October 20: Test Chapter 6

Helpful HINT:
Have you ever seen your most important tasks being put off until later and then later and later, while you are getting busy with many not so important activities? Did you hope that you may have more time and better mood in the future to start the task and do it properly? Does an approaching deadline mean a crisis for you?
What is it?
A basic definition of procrastination is putting off the things that you should be doing now. This happens with all of us time after time.
Yet, what makes a big difference for your success is your ability to recognize procrastination reasons and expressions in their different forms, and to promptly take them under control, before this bad habit steals your opportunities, damages your grades and pride, you need to STOP IT!!!! Organize your time and make good use of opportunities.

Start working on your project NOW!!!

Earthquake Project Ideas
1) Earthquake prediction
Investigate and find out if anyone has a consistent successful way to predict earthquakes. If not, why were they not successful? Come up with your own idea for predicting earthquakes, and test it. Explain why it did or did not work.
2) Earthquake myths
Examine earthquake myths and interview people about these myths to find out what they think. What would be the best way to get rid of myths? Is there any group of people who tend to believe myths more? Older people? Younger people? Other groups?
3) Seismic waves
What types of seismic waves are there? What do they look like on a seismogram (recording)? What effects do different kinds of waves have on different kinds of buildings?
4) World-wide earthquake hazards
Which areas around the world are most vulnerable to earthquakes and why? What are the major problems dealing with earthquakes in different areas?
5) Earthquake preparedness
Find the most effective ways to prepare for an earthquake. Test the effectiveness of different types of earthquake brackets and straps, etc. Determine the safest places to be inside the house, outside, in car, etc. Prepare on earthquake plan for your family, class, school.
6) Earthquake risks
Investigate the current earthquake risks in your area. If there are none currently, have there ever been earthquakes there in the past? Why, and why aren't there any now?
7) Plate tectonic model
Build a model that simulates plate motions and their effects.
8) Tsunamis
Demonstrate how a tsunami is created.
9) Plate tectonics
Cut a world map along the plate boundaries, and try to fit the pieces back together like they were millions of years ago. Observe how each piece has moved to its current position.
10) Fault models
Make models of different kinds of faults and investigate the tectonic setting of each (where are these types of faults generally found?).
11) Earthquake-proof buildings
Try to design a building that can withstand an earthquake. What works? What doesn't work? Why?
12) Seismograph
Make a seismograph.
13) Monitoring earthquakes
Monitor earthquakes locally, regionally, or globally, and plot them on a map.
14) Locating an earthquake
Show how earthquakes are located. Create a fictional story about an earthquake and write a news story with a map showing the epicenter.
15) Stress & strain
Make a model to show how stress and strain affect different materials (wood, silly putty, etc.)
16) Earthquakes & volcanoes
Investigate how earthquakes and volcanoes are related.
17) Magnitude & intensity
Show the difference between magnitude and intensity. What controls the magnitude of an earthquake? What affects the shaking intensity?
18) Earthquakes on other planets
Do earthquakes occur on other planets? Which ones? Why or why not?
19) San Andreas Fault
Learn about the different segments of the San Andreas Fault. Demonstrate how each segment behaves differently and why.
20) Other ideas to brainstorm
Interior of the earth, earthquakes & roads, earthquakes & buildings, earthquakes and the Eastern US, "Ring of Fire".
Your project will be presented October 13 in a self standing poster board.

Board Rubric
Project Name:___________________________________________

Objectives Outstanding Work Acceptable Work Needs Some Work Needs Lots of Work
1. Shows knowledge of the Scientific Method 4 - Can explain all 6 parts of an experimental science project; and justify conclusion. 3 - Can explain at least 5 parts of an experimental science project with understanding 2 - Can explain most parts of an experimental science project with the help of the display board. 1 - Tries to answer questions (posed by judge) and/or has some steps missing.

2. Shows enthusiasm and interest in the project 4 - Student eager to tell all about the project. 3 - Student is pleasant and willing to share information. 2 - Student tells about the project only when asked a question. 1 - Student answers some of the about the project.

3. Speaks knowledgeably about the project 4 - Student able to share many details about the project through the scientific process. 3 - Student shows an understanding of the project. 2 - Students knows about the project and offers minimal explanation. 1 - Student can answer some questions when asked.

4. Written document clearly demonstrates use of research, experimentation and analysis skills 4 - Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents, Research Data, Experiment Data, Bibliography. 3- Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents, Research Data and some of the Experiment Data. 2 - Booklet has Cover, Some Research, Some Data. 1- Booklet is minimal or does not exist.

5. Presents data on a board that is well organized and visually appealing. 4 - Board shows data in a organized, neat manner, complete with charts, tables and pictures that are labeled. 3 - Board is neat and attractive and has limited charts, tables and pictures. 2 - Board list major headings of the scientific process and some data. 1 - Board list major headings of the scientific process and limited data.

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